Kayla Dang

Classroom Teacher, Middlers (2023-2024)

Kayla is from Charlotte, NC and moved to Chapel Hill, NC for college. She knew she wanted to be a teacher from the time she was 16 years old (after teaching at the preschool she had attended as a student!)

Kayla earned her Bachelor’s degree at UNC Chapel Hill in Human Development and Family Studies, with a double minor in Education and Conflict Management. One of her courses introduced the idea of student-led education as well as non-traditional classroom settings, which inspired her to further research and explore this idea on her own. Before joining Wildflower, Kayla taught for two years at a Reggio-based forest school, which helped to reignite her love of being outdoors.

Outside of work, Kayla enjoys learning about ways to be sustainable and low-waste. She has recently begun mending her own clothes, experimenting with dyes, and learning embroidery. She also loves to hike and explore around the Triangle on the weekends. 

“You cannot do all the good that the world needs, but the world needs all the good that you can do.”
~Shelby Orme


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