Interested in Enrolling?
Enrollment Information
Wildflower Cottage is a full-day program, open 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, 12 months per year (excluding holidays, teacher workdays, and scheduled professional development).
We have 3 classrooms--Toddlers, Middlers, and Preschoolers. We serve children between the ages of 1 year and 5 years.
Typically, Summer/Fall enrollment occurs around March:
- Families currently enrolled are given priority to renew their commitment for the following year, including any additional siblings.
- Families on the Waitlist are then offered spaces (with attention to date of entry on the Waitlist and priority--siblings, staff/board children, Duke affiliation, ethnic/racial demographics, and property owners within 1000 feet of Wildflower Cottage).
- If there are any remaining spaces available after exhausting the Waitlist, spaces will then be offered "first come, first served."
Enrollment may occasionally occur in the middle of a program year, if/when a space becomes available.
Upon acceptance of a space, families will provide an advance tuition deposit equal to one month of tuition.
It is never too early to consider joining our Waitlist.
Please complete our Contact Form to receive information about upcoming Q&A sessions.
Once you decide that Wildflower Cottage feels like a good fit for your family, we will ask you to complete a Waitlist Form and submit a $100 fee (per family). Families are then placed in order of priority for the next available slots.
Tuition rates for the 2024-2025 year are as follows:
- "Dandelion" Preschoolers' class (3.5-5 years old at the beginning of the school year)
- Entering Kindergarten in 2026 = $1749/month
- Entering Kindergarten in 2027 = $1774/month
- "Clover" Middlers' class (2.5-3.5 years old at the beginning of the school year)
- Entering Kindergarten in 2027 = $1774/month
- Entering Kindergarten in 2028 = $1845/month
- "Buttercup" Toddlers' class (1-2.5 years old at the beginning of the school year)
- Entering Kindergarten in 2027 = $1870/month (includes diapers/wipes)
- Entering Kindergarten in 2028= $1907/month (includes diapers/wipes)
Tuition also includes classes in music and mindfulness! There may be occasional, optional expenses such as professional portraits.
"The child is both a hope and a promise for mankind."
—Maria Montessori